Partner with a Coach

Your Goals, Your Dreams, Your Answers: We Help You Find Them.

Why coaching

Coaching in essence is about giving you time to think. To think about your life and your relationships and how you want to take them forward. To think about your thinking and why you make the decisions you do and why you react in ways you do. It gives you time to think about your goals and dreams and how you might make those happen in reality.

It is a powerful support structure to empower you to achieve the outcomes you most desire in all areas of your life. It helps you to clarify your goals and dreams and to hold yourself accountable to making them happen. Sometimes, despite all the desire and commitment you have to achieving something, there just seems to be some obstacle standing in your way that you just can’t see. Coaching is a really powerful process that helps you identify the barriers and more importantly, overcome them. Where coaching adds enormous value is that it’s designed to help you see that you have all the answers and that the solutions lie with yourself and nobody else.

Purpose of coaching

The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as: “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”.

Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA) defines coaching as “a professional, collaborative and outcomes-driven method of learning that seeks to develop an individual and raise self-awareness so that he or she might achieve specific goals and perform at a more effective level”.

A coach is a thinking partner to accelerate learning and development. Coaches seek to empower others through igniting their thinking, increasing their insight and developing their self-awareness in order to take new actions in their lives.

How coaching works

There are many different approaches to coaching and a coach can work differently with different clients to meet the needs of each unique individual. As a general guideline,at the start of the process, you will work with your coach to clarify the coaching cycle agreement, or your map, which is the list of objectives or goals you want to achieve through the coaching process. In each session after this, you and your coach will refer to this map to decide which goal you want to work on in the current session. The aim of the coaching session will be to achieve the outcome of the goal you set at the start of the session. Through the coaching process you will gain insights and learnings, about yourself and your situation. At the end of each session, you will be invited to leave with some actions you commit to that you will apply in your life between then and the next time you meet with your coach.

The above is a guideline of the steps involved in the coaching process. The intention for all coaches is for this process to feel natural and conversational and not scripted or rushed.

How to gain the most value from the coaching process

To gain the most value from the coaching process, it’s imperative to approach each session with an open mind, a willingness to be vulnerable, a commitment to self-reflection and a willingness to apply the learnings and insights from each session back into your life.

Take time before each session to get really clear in your mind on the goal you want to work on in the session, and what you want to leave the session with. For example: You might be feeling stuck and unsure how to move forward in your career. The goal might be to get clarity on what is causing the stuckness, and you may want to leave the session with some insights on how to move forward. By doing this, you take charge of the process and by doing so will gain so much more.

Take the time between sessions to reflect upon the discussions and implement the strategies or actions you set. Lastly, be patient and consistent. Transformative change doesn’t happen overnight, but with dedication and active participation, the coaching process can unlock profound insights and growth.

Meet our Coaches

Savannah Steinberg, MCC
Cynthia Pillay, MCC
Mary J Fourie, PCC
Ziyanda Mazamisa
Carrie Nidd, PCC
Mark Fraser Grant
Simamkele Dial
Lize Strauss

Partner with a Coach FAQs

It might not be the right time to start coaching if you're in a place in your life where you are not able to be an active participant in your own growth journey. Sometimes people are just too busy and we completely understand that, but to get the most value from coaching you need time to make it a success.

Where you find you are needing healing and recovery more than discovery, a psychologist might add more value to you. Many people struggle with depression and or burnout, and the struggle is very real, and we have absolutely no judgement about this at all. In this space you are absolutely welcome to try coaching, but a therapist or psychologist might be a better support during this time. It is an option to see a coach and psychologist at the same time, as they provide different support structures.

If you're looking for advice or for someone to give you the answers and solutions to your situation, then coaching may not be for you because as coaches we have a fundamental belief that the answers lie with the client. We see our clients as creative and resourceful. We raise this here purely to manage expectations. There is a time and place for getting advice and solutions, and coaching is about creating the conditions for you to come to the insights by yourself. For that reason, it might not be the right methodology.

You can expect a structured, yet flexible journey tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Beginning with goal setting and a thorough assessment of your current state, the process unfolds as a series of meaningful conversations that aim to bridge the gap between where you are and where you wish to be. Throughout the engagement, you'll experience a safe environment where you can express concerns, share aspirations, and explore opportunities without judgment. Your coach will employ active listening, powerful questioning, and evidence-based techniques to draw out insights, challenge limiting beliefs, and foster a deeper self-awareness. As the process progresses, you'll be equipped with tools, strategies, and action plans to tackle challenges and pursue your goals more effectively. Beyond the immediate outcomes, the coaching process often instils lasting habits of reflection, self-improvement, and proactive problem-solving, setting the foundation for continuous personal and professional growth.

The duration of a typical coaching engagement varies widely based on the objectives, individual needs, and the specific context in which the coaching is being provided. In general, many coaching engagements tend to last anywhere from three to six months, with sessions occurring weekly or bi-weekly. Some specific scenarios, like preparing for a particular event or addressing a targeted issue, might require shorter engagements, spanning just a few weeks. It's essential for both the coach and the individual being coached to regularly assess progress and determine the optimal duration to meet the established goals. Moreover, even after the primary engagement concludes, some individuals opt for periodic "check-in" sessions to maintain momentum and continue their development.

Progress is typically measured against the goals set at the beginning of the coaching engagement. This could involve regular check-ins, feedback, and reflection.


Consider the coach's credentials, experience, and coaching style. It's essential that you feel a strong rapport and trust. You are welcome to set up a chemistry session with any of our coaches to have a chance to connect with them and see if you feel a strong fit.

Typically, sessions are held weekly or every second week, but frequency can be adjusted based on your needs and preferences.

Yes, our coaches offer sessions via Zoom or Teams.
Things to consider if you have coaching on one of these platforms:

  • Make sure you have your coaching in a private room where you will not be disturbed, where you can speak freely and openly.
  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection, a weak or unstable connection can significantly disrupt your session and take away from the experience you have.
  • Make yourself some coffee or tea, or have water for the session
  • You might want to take notes, so have a journal or a place to keep track of any notes you want to have.


Open communication is crucial. Discuss any concerns with your coach to adjust the approach or determine if a different coach would be a better fit.


Costs vary widely based on the coach's experience, the duration and frequency of sessions. It's important to discuss fees and expectations upfront.

Our coaches charge anything from R1200/session to R2500/session.

To get the most value from the process we recommend you have at least 6 coaching sessions, and especially if you have not had coaching before, to keep the momentum going we suggest you have the sessions weekly, or every second week depending on how busy you are.



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